Thursday, July 22, 2010


I think that is officially ready for action.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Heh, I was checking the stats for the roomies' sites just now and saw that someone using the South Dakota State Government network was apparently checking out the reference I made to America's greatest tourist stop: Wall Drug, South Dakota (Pierre lies to the east about 2 hours). Unfortunately it doesn't show any search terms, but I find it kind of cute to see that South Dakota is so invested in Wall Drug that it likes to see what people think of it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Git 'r rdy

So apparently Megoez and I are leaving on our big road trip in like 10 days-ish. This would have happened earlier if Sus and Aviva hadn't dropped out last year. But, you know, I'm trying not to hold it against them.

Right now I'm trying to get some good ole road trip mixes goin' on. I'm thinking maybe having it mixed by region, but that might take far too much research. So far I only have the Piedmont blues, which is, I think, relegated to the Carolinas. But I'm not sure what else I could do. Of course, there's REM and the Allman Brothers for Georgia, and KHNO for the Russian segment, but I can't think of anything for, say, New Mexico or Mobile, Alabama. MLK Jr. speeches? I also haven't really gotten Megan's approval for this endeavor.

And then I was kind of thinking it might be fun to do some sort of blog. But it couldn't be some lame couples' road-trip blog with like pictures of Niagara Falls, because that would be stupid. And it couldn't be a blog filled with pictures and information about Wall Drug, because we aren't even going there. Corned Beef Sandwiches Across America? SPRING BREAK '010? Or maybe I could take a stand for colon cancer or see how much beer we can drink through any given 6 hour segment of road (to be determined by adding the digits of time and dividing it by the difference of the digits of time and then multiplying that by pi).

I don't know. The digital aspect of the trip is going to be a disaster. Any ideas?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Blog

My new job involves a lot of staring at HTML while I'm busy making mass emails with Exact Target, so I've decided to develop that staring and force it into something practical and make a new blog. Well, come to think of it, I don't know how practical blogs are, but I figure web development might be. The blog is under construction, though, like pretty hardcore. I have a background image in mind, but I haven't had time to make it, and my pirated Photoshop license just expired something "catastrophic" and Gimp is the weirdest program ever, and there's no RSS as of yet, and the padding between the header and the wrapper isn't so hot (in Firefox). I'm really tired, too. BUT, what I'm sort of proud of is the fact that if you make your window smaller, it all shrinks to fit the window!!! Pretty cool, huh? Well, it shrinks to a specified point, unless you're using IE, in which case, there is no point because IE doesn't support min-widths yet for some reason. Turns out that IE and Firefox/Chrome are super different. The differences actually blew me away, though I had already known that they were pretty different, and I haven't even tried Opera and Safari yet.

Anyways, check out The title so far is "This is Black and White", but that was originally just a placeholder, because the page was pretty much just black and white. I'm not sure if that will change.

Dammit, I'm going to bed. This daylight savings thing, sweet as it will be, might end up being sort of killer on Monday morning.

Happy daylight savings.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh, C'mon

Sorry for another photo post, but it's pretty much the only exciting thing I've been doing aside from work. I've recently gotten pretty into Marco Breuer's photography and he had this one where he put hair on some paper and did something to it. I can't find the image right now and it's late so I'm not going to try that hard. So I kind of did the same thing - dipping hair into developer and then putting it on paper and then turning a light on and stuff. My first photogram, I guess.

Except for the background is unfortunately more pink than it looks here. I think because the light was on while it was in the stop bath.