Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wait, so I got some more...

OK, so work called me...well, actually, I ended up calling them to see if I was working this evening like I usually do, and they told me that I didn't have to come in because nobody was buying any sandwiches. I actually hadn't thought of it, but it just occurred to me that the masses were probably eating some paczkis instead of sandwiches today. Or they were all in New Orleans or something. This is all based on the assumption that today was Mardi Gras, which I haven't confirmed yet. So anyways, instead of working, I went down to the darkroom again. And when I emerged, I was holding these high above my head. Very carefully, though, so I wouldn't get fingerprints on them.

I think they're cooler than the last ones. But, you know, that's just my humble opinion.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On RapidShare


I haven't been able to download anything the past 4 times I've tried (that's over the past few weeks). It keeps telling me that all the download spots are reserved for premium members.

Darkroom BAM

I've been in my darkroom for about 10 hours over the past two days. And I managed to get a couple of things that I thought were okay. Except that the whites were mostly grey which I didn't realize until after the pictures had dried. I guess Photoshop could change those whites right quick, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to do that yet.

So here is the better part of what I've been working on...

This one (^) and the first one are actually from the same negative, if you couldn't already tell.
And this one is from the same negative as the second one...this is just zoomed in on the right side. Why didn't I just put the similar ones together? Well, because they didn't show up next to each other in the selection window and I would rather type this out than drag and drop their images now.

Anyways, I'm pretty excited about these and the ones that will be coming later. Let me know what you think!

PS. I didn't realize how small those images are. Maybe I'll put up some larger ones later.
PPS. The rotation on those was pretty arbitrary. It was kind of hard to discern the bottom from the top.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Wait, and I'm serious, I want to make an Al-Qaeda6969.com. The rival religious group will be AL Qaida, headed by the radical fanatic Al-h'Ands.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A New Era in Song Titles

Let it be known that one day an album will be made wherein the song titles will all be based off of song lengths interpreted as area codes. Thus, a song that is 3 minutes and 13 seconds (3:13) will have something to do with Detroit, MI (or Grosse Pointe). Or the title of something that is 5 minutes and 86 seconds in length will deal with St. Claire Shores, Harrison Township, Roseville, or the rest of Macomb County, MI.